



Entreentre is a digital publication and podcast platform on architecture and image. In the publication diverse approaches to tools and processes in architectural and artistic projects are disseminated.

Parallel to the publication we arrange exhibitions that concretize and unfold content. Knowledge and material collected in the project will be reflected and archived in the Entreentre printed pamphlets published in connection to exhibitions.

Entreentre is based in Copenhagen and London.

Editing and curating: Frederik Petersen, Karen Gamborg Knudsen and Anne Friis

Contact: hej [at] entreentre [dot] org


Entreentre is supported by Dreyers Fond, Statens Kunstfonds Arkitekturudvalg and Nationalbankens Jubilæumsfond af 1968.

Special thanks: Music used in the issues 1, 2 and 3 is 'Epilog Wundergrund' (2009) and 'Epilog Hybrid 1' (2009) composed and performed by cellist Jakob Kullberg (copyright).